2415 Twin Oaks Drive

Austin, Texas 78757


7:00 AM - 6:00 PM

Belinda Espinoza

Senior Graphic Designer, CBRE 

Marketing Committee Chair

“For there is always light,
if only we’re brave enough to see it
If only we’re brave enough to be it”
-Amanda Gorman, 2021 Inaugural poem

“I learned of Sammy’s House through a long-time Board Member, Sarah Schenk. What led me to join the board was my first-hand experience of having a grandson in the NICU as a micro preemie and realizing that many families of babies born with long-term medical needs could not be cared for at most traditional daycare centers. Sammy’s House fills that need! As a board, I hope we can be ambassadors to Sammy’s House and continue to shine a light on Isabel and her staff’s daily efforts on behalf of the children we serve.”